Gilbert Lifestyle photographer | The Sittons


I have been dreaming of venturing into a new way to photograph families...for a loooong time.  As I reflect, I am sure that fear of change held me back.

What if no one finds value in this?  What if "perfect pinterest" is all they want?

Change is scary and doing the norm is easy, but far less rewarding.  So this year I decided it's time to take some risks in my business and this was the first one.   

Photographing families as they are, not posturing and fussing over every detail as a photographer is....freeing. Being able to tag along for the ride and capture real life is amazing!  

I love the time I spent with the Sittons; there was so much laughter and yet It was super chill.  I got watch Kenny read, snuggle and tickle Wyatt.  I saw the overwhelming excitement as we headed upstairs to play guitar.  To see Bethany watch Wyatt with a ginormous smile on her face, it was so endearing.

I am thrilled to share with you some of my favorites from that afternoon. 


Thank you SOOO much Sitton family for letting me in your home!  I loved my time with you!
